• Manage leads end-to-end (from creating leads to converting them into opportunities) Capture leads directly from your Web site and transfer to Sales FunnelCRM
• Customize online lead form as per your organization requirements
• Import leads from external sources, such as trade shows, seminars, direct mail etc
• Qualify leads to next stage based on information captured in lead details
• Convert leads into sales opportunities, accounts, and contacts with a single-click
• Lead conversion mapping for all the custom fields
• Export leads to spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel
• Track all accounts and related contacts, opportunities, cases, and other details from a common repository
• Generate quotes, sales orders, and invoices for the accounts
• Track purchase history of the customers and analyze opportunities for up-selling and cross selling
• Create fully customizable account reports
• Export accounts to spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel
• Attach customer-specific documents to accounts for a quick reference in future.
• Track all trouble tickets related to customers end-to-end as per the organization's customer support
• Associate trouble tickets with accounts, contacts, products, and others to have better visibility
• Create fully customizable list views as per the Support person's requirement
• Provide solutions to the trouble tickets submitted through Customer Portal
• Automatically update the status of tickets through E-mail
• Create fully customizable ticket reports
• Create customer support statistics to help the managers to plan for better customer support.
• Create custom fields as per your organization requirements.